Trees sponsored by

Planting day at Bryn Bach Primary, Tredegar

April 2008

Pupils at Bryn Bach Primary School recently livened up a wet Monday morning by taking Professor David Bellamy out into their school grounds and helping him to plant some new trees.

Bryn Bach had already received 70 trees from Tree Appeal, all sponsored by Principality, Wales’ largest building society, as part of their ongoing commitment to support the environment and aid learning in schools. The trees had gone towards transforming a piece of wasteland into a garden for the children, including a willow tunnel and sensory garden.

After spending a lively morning planting the new trees with Professor Bellamy, Bryn Bach pupil Genna commented, ‘He’s obviously very passionate about trees because we had to sing happy birthday to a tree that we planted.’ Whilst fellow junior tree-planter Liam said, ‘I liked the way he jumped about. He was funny, entertaining and he knew a lot about trees.’

Reviewing the whole project, headteacher Martin Price said, ‘Our garden is a great learning context, where we can engage the children in doing. We have to be careful that they get experiences out of doors. A big thank you to Principality for enabling us to do these projects and keep them up.’

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